Another more recent body of work was initiated using appropriated collaging of a multitude of magazine pictures and adding paint. These works in the Clouded Memories; Ghosts of Those Begotten Series were created on iridescent blue, and, matte black paper. This series reflects our hyper-stimulated information-overloaded lives and distills this idea into a cloud of forms that balance and pulsate on the support paper. Embedded within the multitude of images are small references to socio-politico-economeo-culture. These works are windows into our macro-universe here in Amerika. At a distance below one plank’s length or ten to the minus thirty five there inhabits a world of such immense complexity that matter itself is subjected to a whole different set of rules and variables including folds within folds within folds. Even at this sub atomic micro level, the smallest objects that comprise our understanding of the physical world are transformed by their relative surroundings and conditions and can and do warp around, through, and into the creases and wrinkles of gaps, holes, and openings in dark matter (26.8%) and dark energy (68.3%). Like a huge symphony orchestra where all the musicians work in unison, the material world also exhibits a certain level of cooperation and harmony to accomplish the tasks at hand. It would be simple to extrapolate a vision of this system as being quite random and chaotic. But actually the opposite appears to be true. Vibrational entities work with, not against each other to bring complex events to the forefront within the space-time continuum. Like Pythagorus envisioned a “Music of the Spheres”, there exists within the natural order of things a level of congruence and equilibrium that is at odds with the entropic view of the universe. And it is within this dance that lives the “Ghosts of Those Begotten.” More importantly though, the illusion of our material reality is manifested in the microbending of dimensional space-time, thus rendering the earth-bound event-horizon just a fleeting insect in the mega and inexplicable multiversal melting-pot.