NFT LIGO Gravitational Wave Detection from September 14, 2015

More than a billion years ago, two black holes the combined size of about 65 suns in a distant galaxy locked into a spiral, falling inexorably toward each other, and collided. All that energy was pumped into the fabric of time and space itself making the universe explode in roiling waves of gravity. About 30 years ago, a group of scientists built a giant laser detector called LIGO to search for these kinds of waves, which had been predicted but never observed. On September 2015, LIGO detected an unthinkably small anomaly, which I listened to on their website and downloaded it, leading to one of the most exciting discoveries in the history of physics. PINK! Partij Voor De Dieren; PvdD 1/F Power Density Spectrum Series. 26-JUN-16. A CHIRP from more than a BILLION YEARS ago…………This image is the bleep as it would empirically appear as an artwork. I downloaded the sound file and converted it to its sound wave as an image and digitized it and created a sold unique photographic print and this available unique one of a kind NFT.